About BJC Medical Group

Vision, Mission and Excellence in Medical Care

Vision: The world’s best medicine begins with us


We provide access to the world’s best medicine through caring people and integrated systems dedicated to exceptional patient experiences.

"Dedicated people providing compassionate health care of the highest quality."

The BJC Medical Group strives to be an outstanding physician-led organization that provides exceptional medical care to a diverse population through dedication to:

Our BJC Values

In service to our patients, families, communities and colleagues, the values shared across our organization are:

compassion graphic


We show we care


We value everyone


We are the best at getting better


We create safe spaces


We win together

Excellence in Medical Care

  • Recruit and retain motivated physicians and staff who are committed to the highest standards of patient care
  • Maximize our close affiliation with Washington University School of Medicine through continuing education and implementation of the latest clinical advances
  • Adopt “best clinical practice outcome” models

Excellence in Medical Services

  • Strive to meet and exceed the expectations of our patients
  • Adhere to standards of appointment availability
  • Empower patients through education
  • Maintain attractive and accessible medical facilities
  • Provide a rewarding work environment

Excellence in Financial Management

  • Adhere to the highest ethical standards
  • Use BJC HealthCare for administrative efficiencies
  • Adapt management strategies to streamline individual practices
  • Use recognized benchmarks of physician and practice performance

Information Security

All BJC HealthCare hospitals and health service organizations (HSOs) operating in Illinois align with the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act for the collection, use, safeguarding, storage, retention, and destruction of biometric information. Read the policy excerpt.

Vendor Code of Conduct

BJC HealthCare (BJC) is dedicated to maintaining excellence and integrity in all aspects of its professional and business conduct and operating in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. BJC Corporate Compliance programs support this commitment to ethical conduct by setting forth guidelines designed to prevent and detect violations of law. We expect all vendors, contractors and agents to honor this commitment and abide by the provisions of this Vendor Code of Conduct as a condition of doing business with BJC.

Exclusion from Participation in Federal HealthCare Programs

The Office of Inspector General (OIG) was established in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to identify and eliminate fraud, waste, and abuse in the Department’s programs. The OIG has been given the authority to exclude from participation in Medicare, Medicaid and other Federal health care programs individuals and entities who have engaged in fraud or abuse, and to impose civil money penalties (CMPs) for certain misconduct related to Federal health care programs.

If a health care provider arranges or contracts (by employment or otherwise) with an individual or entity who is excluded by the OIG from program participation for the provision of items or services reimbursable under such a Federal program, the provider may be subject to CMP liability if they render services reimbursed, directly or indirectly, by such a program.

Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (“DRA”) Requirements

The DRA requires us to provide information to our contractors and agents regarding the Federal False Claims Act, administrative remedies for false claims and statements, applicable state false claims provisions, and whistleblower protections under these laws

Vendor agrees that:

  • It will review the Informational Policy Concerning False Claims Laws (“Policy”) that addresses our role in preventing and detecting health care fraud, waste and abuse. The Policy is available online or a copy may be requested by calling Susan Harper, Corporate Compliance Director, at 314.454.8299. (The Policy is in PDF format and requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you don’t have this software, go to Adobe for a free download.)
  • It will provide this information to all of its employees and agents who have contact with our facilities related to the delivery or monitoring of Medicaid health care items and services, billing or coding functions.
  • It is the responsibility of all individuals who work with or provide services to or on behalf of BJC to comply with all federal and state laws and applicable BJC policies and procedures. Vendor further understands that participation in conduct or practices that violate the terms or spirit of this Code of Conduct may result in termination of its business relationships with BJC.

Vendor further understands that participation in conduct or practices that violate the terms or spirit of this Code of Conduct may result in termination of its business relationships with BJC.

Read the Informational Policy Concerning False Claims Laws